Experience The Copper Canyons
Camp Core Libre All-Inclusive Packages: A cultural exchange running pilgrimage like no other, an opportunity to experience the beauty of the people and lands of the Sierra Tarahumara.
So Much more than just a race
A Running Camp where cultures meet to run together, but also to share a temezcal seat, music, dance, meals, fires, local traditions, games, ancient wisdoms and much more. There will be lots of sweat and many hugs with new forever friends. Join us… like no other
All running and cultural events take place in the Sierra Tarahumara, a mountain and canyon range that is part of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Northern Mexico. The lands are better known as Las Barrancas del Cobre or the Copper Canyons. The area consists of six main canyons that in parts are deeper and wider than the Grand Canyon in the US. The Sierra Tarahumara is home to the Raramuri peoples who are known for their endurance running culture and ancient wisdoms. The lands are a true treasure that because of the remoteness has remained mostly unspoiled and retained its beauty, local cultures and traditions.
Our friend Micah True (Caballo Blanco) said “We are the Messengers.” Micah may no longer be with us, but his simple message of love, and peace and people from all over the world coming to run and experience the beauty of the people, culture and the lands of the Sierra Tarahumara will last forever. The seed that Micah planted with the (now named in his honor) Ultra Marathon Caballo Blanco continues to be one of running’s most magical events. It is our goal for Copper Canyons Endurance Runs to do all we can to carry on his message and introduce more of these magical lands and bring more athletes together sharing cultures and creating additional opportunities for our Raramuri running family.